MINDFUL MONDAYS: Row, Row, Row Your Boat


The Lunar New Year, Sunday, January 22nd, a celebratory New Moon, brings an opportunity for creativity, growth, and potential—a time for setting intentions. Intentions are subtle and flexible. They act like cardinal points on a compass or a rudder in the river; they give us direction through the landscape of our life/year. They come from within—an uncovering of our own innate qualities — rather than something we try to “get” from an external source. Our rudder can steer us through rough waters and help us sail gently down the stream.

Challenges will occur. Why not go through them, rather than avoiding or attempting to go around them? Mastering the challenges of life builds character and prepares us for future obstacles we might face. You are powerful and everything you need to accomplish your goals, hopes, and dreams is already inside of you. With intention and a little attention, perseverance, and courage, it is truly astounding what you can create.

Enjoy the trip and live now, instead of focusing on what’s around the bend in the stream. Chart your course and navigate your own way. And look up at the moon every so often on your journey.

Love & light,

Jeanne & John Adams