YOGA WITH INTENT! Wake up Your Yoga Practice in Bed!

*This is an ongoing series of asanas to practice before you get out of bed in the morning. See blog for more posts


Cat/Cow (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)

Cat/Cow is an important pose in a yoga practice. It introduces a yoga practitioner to vinyasa (movement with breath). Practiced together, the poses improve mobility and flexibility in the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar).

Specifically, cow pose opens the chest, which stimulates the lungs while stretching the chest. Cat pose stretches the back of the body to help with stiff or sore upper- and lower-back issues.

In combination, these poses improve posture and balance; stretch the hips, abdomen, and back; increase coordination; massage and stimulate organs in the belly, and back - like the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as organs involved in digestion, and elimination. The poses facilitate emotional balance, calm the mind, and release stiffness from sleep as well as sitting for prolonged periods of time. To receive the plethora of benefits these poses offer, follow the directions below.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask your instructors, Jeanne and John Adams, for clarification.



Seated Cat and Cow Pose

Begin with Cow pose. Sit in a cross-legged seated position on your bed. As you inhale, place your hands palms down on your knees. Sit up tall as you lift your chest, drawing your shoulder blades toward each other, bending your elbows, arching your low back, and gently hugging your hands around your knees to lift your torso.

Exhale as you round your back, drawing your naval in toward your spine, chin toward the chest, and gently hold around your knees or at the top of your shins. Allow your arms to straighten and support you as you move your spine away from your knees to complete Cat pose. Repeat six-eight times— inhaling into cow and exhaling into cat.



 Cat/Cow from Table Pose

On your bed, place your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees directly below your hips (“Table Pose”). Bring your spine parallel to the bed (like a tabletop) and your head, neck, and spine in a neutral position. Elongate your neck and soften your eyes, looking at the bed. Stabilize your shoulder blades by drawing them down your back.

Inhale deeply while arching your lower back, bringing your head and tailbone up toward the ceiling, tilting your pelvis like a "cow," and gaze upward.

As you exhale, round your spine, allow your chin to move toward your chest (without force), crown of your head down, and draw your belly button toward your spine (cat pose).

Repeat Cow and Cat smoothly, coordinating with your breath, focusing on the movement in your spine. Repeat six to eight times. **Be care of your wrists! Beds are often soft and may overextend your wrist. As an alternative, you may come to your knuckles or elbows from table pose.

Important considerations:

Alignment: Be mindful of the alignment of your knees under your hips and wrists beneath your shoulders throughout the movement. If you have pain in your wrist, try turning fingers slightly outward or move your hands slightly in front of your shoulders.

Breath: Coordinate movement with your breath, inhaling through cow pose and exhaling through cat pose.

Gentle movement: Focus on the movement in your spine, not just your head!

Namaste,  Jeanne Adams